Oregon art picks from Kaya Noteboom
Variable West
January 22, 2025
“A goodbye mostly consists of trying to leave. The intensity of leaving is, of course, always measured against the impossible strain required to stay. There are several goodbyes in Echoes of Passage, particularly in Melanie Tsang’s contribution. Tsang is interested in the language of departure attuned to the various geopolitical and existential forces that drive one to bow out quietly and flee. .”
click here to read Kaya Noteboom’s review of Echoes of Passage
Melanie Tsang, Homeland’ | Class of Admission, stainless steel trays, plastic films, water, concrete bricks, 31x24cm (each piece) x25 pieces; total size may vary, 2024
Jeremy Le Grand Exhibits Densely Layered Paintings at Well Well Projects
Willamette Week
October 17, 2024
The artist’s inspirations range from modern technology to the 1987 film “Predator.”
click here to read Rachel Saslow’s review of yelling at the sun
exhibition installation view of yelling at the sun; photo by Mario Gallucci
Alyson Provax’s islands of perception
Oregon ArtsWatch
June 19, 2024
The artist's letterpress works lean into language's incomplete capacity to describe feelings. Hannah Krafcik reviews "To know what we say we know," on view through June at Well Well Projects.
click here to read Hannah Krafcik’s review of To know what we say we know
Image detail, Untitled (I keep thinking I’ll know / is that how everyone feels), Letterpress on Hahnemühle Copperplate warm white. 9×16″ 2023; photo by Mario Gallucci
West Coast picks from Ella Ray
Variable West
November 29, 2023
“A Very Queer Thing opens later this week and I’m chomping at the bit to see what works are included. Artists and curators alike can be a little sensitive when it comes to identifying artworks as “objects.” I am the #1 Michael Fried hater on the West Coast so I welcome the embrace of objects, particularly when we can imagine how our queerness, among other identities that make us who we are, inform our relationship to said objects and the power this process grants us. ”
click here to read Ella Ray’s cliff notes about A Very Queer Thing
A Very Queer Thing, curated by Jessi DiTillio, December 2023
image courtesy of Ron Buffington
Holding Fire at Well Well Projects
Examining PNW wildfires through social art practice
Macie Harreld for PSU Vanguard
September 21, 2023
“An unexpected collection of objects welcomes visitors into a brightly lit gallery room through the streetside windows of Well Well Projects in North Portland.
From the benefits of beavers to the materiality of forest products to the vulnerability faced by firefighters, the works adorning this gallery address separate but interconnected interests relating to wildland fire.”
“Forest Fashion - Lookout Edition” is a textile collection referencing goods related to fire lookouts, featuring a re-imagined code language used by backcountry travelers.
Credit: Macie Harreld/PSU Vanguard
Greased on Oregon picks from Sam Wrigglesworth
for Variable West
August 23, 2023
“In his first solo exhibition in Portland, Stoll (and friends) interrogate hyper-heteromasculinity found in the 1978 film Grease through protest, performance, film, writing, and a soggy cardboard cutout of John Travolta.”
image courtesy of artist
The Fluorescent and Ungovernable Ocean of Like Liquid, Cut Loose
by Martha Daghlian for Portland Mercury
November 8, 2022
“Paper-focused visual artist Morgan Rosskopf and electronic musician Ashlin Aronin transport Well Well Projects to a chaotic blacklight grotto.”
click here to read the full review on Portland Mercury
Like Liquid, Cut Loose, Morgan Rosskopf & Ashlin Aronin, November 2022
"Chrysalis 3," mixed media and collage on hand cut paper, 22 x 30,” 2022 MORGAN ROSSKOPF
Alyson Provax at Well Well Projects
by Jennifer Rabin for Oregon ArtsWatch
August 24, 2022
“In her new show, "There is so much I want to tell you," the artist builds upon her previous explorations with letterpress and hidden text with gossamer layers. The effect is anything but insubstantial.”
click here to read the full review on Oregon ArtsWatch
There is so much I want to tell you Alyson Provax, August 2022
by VO VO for Art & About
December 14, 2021
“Part poetics, part didactics, ASYLUM TOO exhibition by Nat Turner Project (NTP) brackets a five-year period which began with Asylum, an installation active in September through October 2016.”
Artist Conversation for Art & About between Alyson Provax and Serrah Russell
Introduction by Ashley Gifford
September 25, 2021
“Openly and vulnerably sharing, iterating on pieces of work sent back and forth through the United States Postal Service. The subsequent marks of these correspondences as they move through processing, travel, and arrival. The imprints of distance, touch, and being.”
click here to read the full interview on Art & About
But of course it’s hard to tell Alyson Provax and Serrah Russell, September 2021
Image credit Rafael Soldi
Abundance under blacklights
by Lindsay Costello for Oregon ArtsWatch
July 6, 2021
Morgan Rosskopf and Manu Torres's "Color Burn" at Well Well Projects celebrates maximalism and artificiality.
Image credit Mario Gallucci
Holding on to the dear: Jade Mara Novarino and Alix Jo Ryan
by Lindsay Costello for Oregon ArtsWatch
March 5, 2021
What does what is kept say about attention and care in a period of isolation? Lindsay Costello reviews the artists' exhibition "Winnowing" at Well Well Projects.
click here to read the full review on Oregon ArtsWatch
Winnowing Jade Mara Novarino and Alix Jo Ryan, February 2021
Image credit Mario Gallucci