Alix Jo Ryan and Jade Mara Novarino
February 7–28, 2021
Opening Reception
Sunday, February 7, 2021
(socially distanced, masks required)
Gallery Hours
Sat–Sun 12–5pm

Display of correspondence between Alix Ryan and Jade Novarino.
Letters, collages, drawings, and envelopes are seen from a birds-eye view on top of a tan tabletop, all arranged in a circle, with an abstract paper butterfly in the center of the circle.
W is for Winter and
Winter is for Winnowing
seeds, papers and photographs
organizing the piles like
—moving a garden
the garden behind the house
a notebook slipped into a pocket
collages are quilts
are grandma’s
hands in the dirt
correspondence, sculptures, and paintings
a practice in living
Alix Jo Ryan’s work considers the grid as an impossible yet normalized phenomenon, understanding the accumulation of property through violence to be constitutive of contemporary notions of freedom, open space, and wilderness. She spent the latter half of her childhood living amongst expatriate communities in Tunisia and Singapore before returning to her home region of Portland, Oregon where she currently lives and works.
Jade Mara Novarino is an artist based out of the outskirts of Portland, Oregon. She is part of a lineage of Pacific Northwest calligraphers, runs a small press called Penny Press, collaboratively farms on traditional Kalapuya land, and would much rather be your pen pal than explain herself here. Email her to be in touch at
Lindsay Costello, Oregon Arts Watch (March 5, 2021) Holding on to the dear: Jade Mara Novarino and Alix Jo Ryan: Novarino and Ryan's "Winnowing" exhibition at Well Well Projects delves into attention, care, and correspondence.

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view

Winnowing, 2021, exhibition installation view