
Mel Carter, Peter Christenson, Stefan Gonzales, Francesca Lohmann, Tyna Onkto, Sara Osebold

curated by the Vestibule

November 4 - 26, 2023


Opening Reception

Saturday, ber 4, 2023

Gallery Hours

Saturdays - Sundays, 12-5pm


Tyna Ontko, Detail from the shape of evidence, carved yellow cedar, paint, copper, glass, mica, quartz, soapstone, granite, concrete, volcanic rock, salt, red lentils, black lentils, chili beans, cannellini beans, bamboo rice, poppy seeds, golden flax seeds, marigold petals, chañar, fruit pit, bay leaf, 36′ x 6′ x 7′, 2022

Well Well Projects welcomes Seattle artists Mel Carter, Peter Christenson, Stefan Gonzales, Francesca Lohmann, Tyna Onkto, and Sara Osebold  for a group show curated by Kascha Semonovitch of The Vestibule.

The show focuses on the overlapping ideas of the placing of material to grow and take over a space and the way one might 'seed' a conversation to prepare someone to hear something later. The work challenges notions of installation art, possession of place and expectations of a gallery experience. 

Kascha Semonovitch is a writer and curator based in Seattle where she co-runs The Vestibule, an artist-forward exhibition space in Ballard.

Photo documentation by Mario Gallucci

© Well Well Projects 2023

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