Everything Leaves a Trail

Andrea Alonge, Nick Fagan, Sarah Wertzberger, Ben Young, and Jeremy Le Grand

February 4 - 26, 2023


Opening Reception

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Gallery Hours

Saturdays - Sundays, 12-5pm


Ben Young, Brain on Love II, Laminated paracord on wood, upholstery nails, 2022

Everything Leaves a Trail is an exhibition of textile works playing in a space typically affiliated with 20th century modernist painting tropes – ab ex, op art, color field, and their many counterparts and derivations – while adding another layer of materiality, process, and duration through the use of a medium often affiliated with handicrafts, pragmatism, and the domestic. Modest in scale and ambitious in process, the works presented in Everything Leaves a Trail vary from hypnotic and surreal to rhythmic and fuzzy, with moments of quiet intimacy, dazzling opticality, and banal reverie.

Photo documentation by Mario Gallucci

© Well Well Projects 2023

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