
Katherine Spinella

March 4 - 26, 2023


Opening Reception

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Gallery Hours

Saturdays - Sundays, 12-5pm


Katherine Spinella's solo exhibition, Dandelion, features a mix of print, image, fabric, light, and altered objects that draw attention to themes of time, aging, and change. Bright signaling colors, insects, stereograms, vegetables, and agricultural symbols highlight the cycles and fragments present in daily life. Inspired by the Greek myth of Persephone and her connection to the seasons, the exhibition underscores the power of holding contrast and its ability to bring depth and meaning to our experiences. Using textured frames, hanging lamps, and celestial hex signs borrowed from the Pennsylvania Dutch folk art tradition creates a sense of intimacy and invites viewers to delve deeper into the emotions that lie beneath the surface of the world. Spinella invites us to contemplate the beauty and complexity of the tangible world and consider the role of fiction and truth in shaping our perception.

Photo documentation by Mario Gallucci

© Well Well Projects 2023

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